
Otley Golf Club



Our course here at Otley plays host to over 20,000 rounds of golf per year from members, visitors, guests with additional footfall through our popular Professional shop for lessons or golf gear and the bar and restaurant facilities.

 We have a strong membership base of over 600 with a successful junior section and operate a strong recruitment drive each year for players both new to golf and those who wish to return to golf.   We also host several corporate events year on year as well as welcome visitors from across the county and country who come to enjoy our fantastic scenic parkland course close to the Yorkshire Dales. 

We recently hosted 2 qualifying events for the Euorpean Junior Open and one of our members, Alex Harm goes to Spain in November  for his third attempt to follow in the footsteps of Justin Rose  Luke Donald and Nick Doherty to play in the finals.  A hole at that event has our name on it!!

We are delighted  to work with the following companies as our first sponsors 

Ramsdens Financial Ltd         who kindly sponsor the practice facilities .    


and the following tee box sponsors :-

Spectographic   Ltd                                                         

Tate Leasing & Contracts

Clearedge Search & Selection Ltd

Parkes & Co   Residential Lettings & Property Management

Otley Building and Roofing

Ward & Son Carriers

Palm (Yorkshire) Ltd

Coopers of Ilkley

Direct Tyre Services & MOT Centre

Auto Obsessive Valeting and Detailing

David Shaw Creative Garden Design 

Guiseley Engineering Co Ltd

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