Otley Golf Club
West Busk Lane
LS21 3NG
Telephone: 01943 465329, Ext 1
Email: office@otleygolfclub.co.uk
Equal Opportunities Policy
The Management Committee of Otley Golf Club, in compliance with the Equalities Act 2010, is resolute in its determination to pursue respective equality of status to all members, visitors, guests, volunteers, present and potential employees and service providers associated with the business of the Club. Every endeavour will be made to ensure that every person, regadless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, race religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity has a genuine opportunity to participate to their full potential at all levels and in all their roles within the Club.
Otley Golf Club complies with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018 - our policy can be viewed/downloaded here .
Otley Golf Club takes the safety and security of all children and young people seriously. Our Safeguarding policy can be viewed here https://www.otleygolfclub.co.uk/uploads/otley/File/Safeguarding%20Policy%20-%20Dec%202018.pdf